using CHAR8 = char;
using UCHAR = unsigned char;
using UINT8 = std::uint8_t;
using UINT16 = std::uint16_t;
using UINT32 = std::uint32_t;
using UINT64 = std::uint64_t;
using INT8 = std::int8_t;
using INT16 = std::int16_t;
using INT32 = std::int32_t;
using INT64 = std::int64_t;
using DOUBLE64 = std::double_t;
using FLOAT32 = std::float_t;
using CoordinateArray = std::array<DOUBLE64, max_supported_axis>;
using AxisConfigurationData = std::array<CHAR8, max_supported_axis>;
using RegisterData = UINT16;
using IOByteData = std::bitset<8>;
using IOWordData = std::bitset<16>;
Selection of control groups. Encompasses robots, bases and stations.
enum class ControlGroupId
R1 = 1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8,
B1 = 11, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8,
S1 = 21, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24
The type of information to be requested from the controller by the GetSystemInfo function.
This includes robots, stations and application number.
enum class SystemInfoId
R1 = 11, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, // Robot number
S1 = 21, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24, // Station number
A1 = 101, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 //Application number.
Used to specify the type of system parameter to be retrieved by the GetSystemParameter function.
enum class SystemParameterType
S1CG = 0, /* S1CxG requires group number.*/
S2C = 1, /* S2C */
S3C = 2, /* S3C */
S4C = 3, /* S4C */
RS = 4, /* RS */
AP = 5, /* AxP requires group number*/
SE = 6, /* SxE requires group number*/
Type of alarm to retrieve. Used by the GetActiveAlarms and GetAlarmHistory functions.
enum class AlarmCategory { Major = 0, Minor = 1000, UserSystem = 2000, User = 3000, Offline = 4000 };
Activate or deactivate Hold, Servo.
enum class SignalStatus { ON = 1, OFF = 2 };
Category of I/O signal. All signal categories are readable. Writing is limited to NetworkInput.
Additionally, GeneralOutput can be written on YRC1000 or newer controllers.
enum class IOType {
GeneralInput, GeneralOutput, ExternalInput, NetworkInput, ExternalOutput, NetworkOutput,
SpecificInput, SpecificOutput, InterfacePanelInput, AuxiliaryRelay, RobotControlStatus, PsuedoInput
Specifies the task to reference when getting the executing job information and Job stack.
enum class InformTaskNumber {
Master, Subtask1, Subtask2, Subtask3, Subtask4, Subtask5, Subtask6,
Subtask7, Subtask8, Subtask9, Subtask10, Subtask11, Subtask12, Subtask13, Subtask14, Subtask15
enum class CoordinateType { Pulse = 0, BaseCoordinate = 16, RobotCoordinate = 17, ToolCoordinate = 18, UserCoordinate = 19, MasterTool = 20, Undefined = 55 };
enum class MoveInterpolationType { NoneSelected, MoveJoint, MoveLinear, MoveCircular };
enum class CycleMode { Step = 0, Cycle, Automatic };
Specifies whether the controller is set to Teach, Play or Remote mode.
enum class ControlMode { Teach = 0, Play, Remote };
Specifies file types for file interface operations.
enum class FileType { Job_JBI, Data_DAT, Condition_CND, Parameter_PRM, System_SYS, Ladder_LST, Log_LOG };
The location of the B axis rotation when viewed from the right side of the robot.
Front: center of the B-axis is to the right of the S-axis rotation center.
Back: center of the B-axis is to the left of the S-axis rotation center.
enum class FrontOrBack { Front, Back };
The angle of the elbow (L and U axis) when viewed by the right side. Upper is less than 180 degrees, lower is greater than 180 degrees.
enum class UpperOrLower { Uppper, Lower };
Flip: B axis is in positive direction (Theta B > = 0 degrees).
NoFlip = B axis is in negative direction (Theta B < 0 degrees).
enum class FlipOrNoFlip { Flip, NoFlip };
Specify if an angle is less than or greater than 180 degrees.
enum class AxisAngle { LessThanOrEqual180, GreaterThan180 };
Type of time to request when calling GetOperatingTime.
enum class TimeType
ControllerOnTime = 1,
ServoPowerOnTimeTotal = 10,
ServoPowerOnTimeRobot = 11,
ServoPowerOnTimeStation = 20,
PlayBackTimeTotal = 110,
PlayBackTimeRobot = 111,
PlayBackTimeStation = 120,
MovingTimeTotal = 210,
MovingTimeRobot = 211,
MovingTimeStation = 221,
ApplicationOperationTime = 300
Application ex. Arc Welding, Spot Welding, Painting, General Purpose.
On standard pendant, assignments can be found from the main menu under
[System Information]>[Controller Information] under the APPLICATION section.
enum class ApplicationNumber
ApplicationOne = 1,
The index of each axis in the CoordinateArray.
CoordinateArray coordArray{};
coordArray[AxisIndex::S] = 1000;
namespace AxisIndex
enum PulseAxis { S = 0, L, U, R, B, T, E, W };
enum CartesianAxis { X = 0, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz, Re, Rw };
When converting between coordinate types using the KinematicsInterface, specifies the conversion to use.
enum class KinematicConversions
JointAngleToCartesianPos, // Convert Joint Angles(in degrees) To Cartesian Position.
PulseToJointAngle, // Convert Pulse position To Joint Angles(in degrees).
JointAngleToPulse, // Convert Joint Angles(in degrees) To Pulse.
PulseToCartesianPos, // Convert Pulse position To Cartesian Position.
Specifies how to solve inverse kinematics when converting from cartesian position. Used when calling ConvertPosition in the Kinematics interface.
enum class KinematicType
Default,// Calculate using parameter S2C430 value. 2:Delta, 1:Figure
Delta,// Calculate by prevAngle. If this type is selected, prevAngle must be provided.
Figure //Calculate by the figure set in the position to convert.
Representation of the robot's figure. Includes front/back, upper/lower, and flip/no flip in addition to the axis angles.
Axis Angles are represented as either less than or equal to 180 degrees or greater than 180 degrees.
Name | Description |
frontOrBack | Location of B-axis rotation. See FrontOrBack. |
upperOrLower | Elbow angle. See UpperOrLower. |
flipOrNoFlip | B-axis flip. See FlipOrNoFlip. |
axisAngles | Angle of an axis. See AxisAngle. |
struct Figure
FrontOrBack frontOrBack{};
UpperOrLower upperOrLower{};
FlipOrNoFlip flipOrNoFlip{};
std::array<AxisAngle, max_supported_axis> axisAngles{}; // An array of entries for each axis.
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Figure& fig);
Information about a position. Includes the coordinate type, figure, tool number, user coordinate number, and the position values of the axes.
Name | Description |
coordinateType | The type of coordinate system in which the axis data is represented. See CoordinateType. |
figure | Used to represent a robot configuration when the coordinate system is cartesian. See Figure. |
toolNumber | 0 if the coordinate type is anything other than ToolCoordinate. |
userCoordinateNumber | 0 if the coordinate type is anything other than UserCoordinate. |
axisData | Pulse counts for coordinate type pulse, millimeters and joint angles otherwise. |
struct PositionData
CoordinateType coordinateType{};
Figure figure{};
UINT32 toolNumber{};
UINT32 userCoordinateNumber{};//Only used when coordinateType is UserCoordinate. otherwise it is 0.
CoordinateArray axisData{};
PositionData() = default;
PositionData(CoordinateType coordType, const Figure& fig, UINT32 toolNum, UINT32 userCoordNumber, const CoordinateArray& coordinates) :
, figure(fig)
, toolNumber(toolNum)
, userCoordinateNumber(userCoordNumber)
, axisData(coordinates)
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PositionData& pos);
Type of position vector.
Name | Description |
X | X axis value. |
Y | Y axis value. |
Z | Z axis value. |
struct XyzVector
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const XyzVector& xyz);
Representation of the pose in 3D space. Includes the position and orientation. Orientation is represented as ZYX-intrinsic (roll, pitch, yaw).
struct EulerMatrix
DOUBLE64 nx{};
DOUBLE64 ny{};
DOUBLE64 nz{};
DOUBLE64 ox{};
DOUBLE64 oy{};
DOUBLE64 oz{};
DOUBLE64 ax{};
DOUBLE64 ay{};
DOUBLE64 az{};
DOUBLE64 px{};
DOUBLE64 py{};
DOUBLE64 pz{};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const EulerMatrix& em);
Servo error data. The difference between the command position and the feedback position of each axis.
Name | Description |
axisData | Error data for each axis. |
struct PositionErrorData
std::array<INT32, max_supported_axis> axisData{};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PositionErrorData& posErr);
Torque data of a control group. Includes the control group ID and the axis torques. Expressed as a percentage.
Name | Description |
controlGroupId | Control group ID of the requested data. See ControlGroupId. |
axisData | Torque value for each axis. |
struct TorqueData
ControlGroupId controlGroupId{ ControlGroupId::R1 };
std::array<INT32, max_supported_axis> axisData{};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TorqueData& torque);
Used in TimeData structure. Represents the elapsed time in seconds, minutes and hours.
Name | Description |
Seconds | Seconds elapsed. |
Minutes | Minutes elapsed. |
Hours | Hours elapsed. |
struct ElapsedTime
UINT32 Seconds{};
UINT32 Minutes{};
UINT32 Hours{};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ElapsedTime& time);
Includes the start time and elapsed. Since this structure is used in GetOperatingTime, the elapsed time cooresponds to the TimeType Selected.
Name | Description |
startTime | Start time for the requested data. |
elapsedTime | Total elapsed time period for the requested data. |
struct TimeData
std::time_t startTime;
ElapsedTime elapsedTime;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TimeData& time);
The software version running on the controller. Also includes the model of the system
or application name requested by ReadSystemInformation.
Name | Description |
softwareVersion | Software version of the controller. |
modelName | Model name of the system or application name if requested. |
struct SystemInfoData
std::string softwareVersion;
std::string modelName;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SystemInfoData& sysInfo);
All of the information about the controller's state. Includes the running mode, control mode, and hold status.
Name | Description |
cycleMode | Current cycle mode of the controller. See CycleMode |
isRunning | True if the controllers equipment is in motion. |
controlMode | Current control mode of the controller. See ControlMode |
isInHold | True if controller is in a hold status. |
isAlarming | True if controller has an active alarm. |
isErroring | True if an error is happening. |
isServoOn | True if the servo is on. |
struct ControllerStateData
enum class ControlMode { Teach = 0, Play, Remote };
CycleMode cycleMode;
bool isRunning;
ControlMode controlMode;
bool isInHold;
bool isAlarming;
bool isErroring;
bool isServoOn;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ControllerStateData& state);
The name, line, step number, and speed override of a job. Line cooresponds to the line number of the job. Step number cooresponds to the motion step in the job.
SpeedOverride is expressed as a percentage. 100% is programmed speed. Ranges from 10% to 150%.
Name | Description |
name | Current active job. |
line | Active line in active job. |
stepNumber | Current motion step in the active job. |
speedOverride | Speed override for the active job. |
struct JobData
std::string name;
UINT32 line;
UINT32 stepNumber;
DOUBLE64 speedOverride;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const JobData& job);
The code, subcode, alarm type, time, and name of an alarm.
Name | Description |
code | Alarms main code. |
subcode | Alarms subcode. |
time | Time of alarm. |
name | Alarms name. |
struct AlarmData
UINT32 code;
UINT32 subcode;
std::string time;
std::string name;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AlarmData& alarm);
A structure containing all of the active alarms on the controller. There can be four alarms at a time.
Name | Description |
alarms | Array of active alarms. See AlarmData. |
numberOfActiveAlarms | Amount of active alarms. |
struct ActiveAlarms
std::array<AlarmData, max_alarms> alarms;
UINT32 numberOfActiveAlarms;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ActiveAlarms& activeAlarms);
The previous n alarms of the controller. n = numberOfAlarmsFetched. Also includes any active alarms.
Name | Description |
alarm | Array of alarms. See AlarmData. |
numberOfAlarmsFetched | Number of alarms in array. |
struct AlarmHistory
std::array<AlarmData, alarm_history_size> alarm{};
UINT32 numberOfAlarmsFetched{};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AlarmHistory& alarmHistory);
The value and index of a byte(B) variable.
Name | Description |
value | Value of the variable. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct ByteVariableData
UINT8 value;
UINT16 variableIndex;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ByteVariableData& byteVariableData);
The value and index of an integer(I) variable.
Name | Description |
value | Value of the variable. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct IntegerVariableData
INT16 value;
UINT16 variableIndex;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IntegerVariableData& integerVariableData);
The value and index of an double(D) variable.
Name | Description |
value | Value of the variable. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct DoubleIntVariableData
INT32 value;
UINT16 variableIndex;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DoubleIntVariableData& doubleIntVariableData);
The value and index of a real(R) variable.
Name | Description |
value | Value of the variable. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct RealVariableData
FLOAT32 value;
UINT16 variableIndex;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RealVariableData& realVariableData);
The value and index of a string(S) variable. Max length is 32 characters.
Name | Description |
stringVariableData | Value of the variable. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct StringVariableData
std::string stringVariableData;
UINT16 variableIndex;
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StringVariableData& stringVariableData);
The value and index of a robot position(P) variable.
Name | Description |
positionData | Value of the variable. See PositionData. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct RobotPositionVariableData
PositionData positionData;
UINT16 variableIndex;
RobotPositionVariableData() = default;
RobotPositionVariableData(const PositionData& positionData, UINT16 variableIndex) :
positionData(positionData), variableIndex(variableIndex) {};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RobotPositionVariableData& robotPositionVariableData);
The values and index of a base axis position variable. If the coordinate type is pulse, the pulse counts will be in X.
Name | Description |
positionData | Value of the variable. See PositionData. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct BaseAxisPositionVariableData
PositionData positionData{};
UINT16 variableIndex{};
BaseAxisPositionVariableData() = default;
BaseAxisPositionVariableData(const PositionData& positionData, UINT16 variableIndex) :
positionData(positionData), variableIndex(variableIndex) {};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const
BaseAxisPositionVariableData& robotPositionVariableData);
The value and index of a station position variable.
Name | Description |
positionData | Value of the variable. See PositionData. |
variableIndex | Variables index. |
struct StationPositionVariableData
PositionData positionData{};
UINT16 variableIndex{};
StationPositionVariableData() = default;
StationPositionVariableData(const PositionData& positionData, UINT16 variableIndex) :
positionData(positionData), variableIndex(variableIndex) {};
YMCONNECT_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StationPositionVariableData& stationPositionVariableData);
Contains the acceleration and deceleration ratios for a motion. These ratios reduce the amount of acceleration and/or deceleration that occurs during a motion. For example, if the acceleration ratio is set to 50%, the robot will accelerate at half of the programmed acceleration rate. If the deceleration ratio is set to 50%, the robot will decelerate at half of the programmed deceleration rate.
Name | Description |
accelRatio | Acceleration ratio. Valid range is 20.00%-100.00%. |
decelRatio | Deceleration ratio. Valid range is 20.0%-100.00% |
struct MotionAccelDecel
//Will change the acceleration ratio of subsequent motions until changed again. Valid range is 20.00%-100.00%.
DOUBLE64 accelRatio{ DBL_MAX };
//Will change the deceleration ratio of subsequent motions until changed again. Valid range is 20.0%-100.00%
DOUBLE64 decelRatio{ DBL_MAX };
Name | Description |
groupId | Group to move. See ControlGroupId. |
speed | Speed of the motion. |
attributes | Acceleration and deceleration rate. See MotionAccelDecel |
interpolationType | Motion interpolation. Note that changing this instead of using the proper derived class can cause undefined behavior. |
position | Target position of the motion. Note that tool frame coordinate type is not supported at this time. See PositionData. |
Note that changing interpolationType instead of using the proper derived class can cause undefined behavior.
struct Motion
ControlGroupId groupId{};
DOUBLE64 speed{}; //Speed of the motion. This value is a percentage (0.00 - 100.00) for JointMotion. For LinearMotion and CircularMotion, the value is in mm/sec (0.0 - 1500.0)
MotionAccelDecel attributes{}; //The acceleration and deceleration ratios for the motion.
MoveInterpolationType interpolationType{ MoveInterpolationType::NoneSelected }; //The interpolation type of the motion.
PositionData position{}; //The position data of the motion.
Motion() = default;
Motion(ControlGroupId groupId, const PositionData& destinationCoords, DOUBLE64 speed, const MotionAccelDecel& attributes = MotionAccelDecel())
: groupId(groupId),
Constructor for a linear motion target. See Motion.
LinearMotion() = default;
LinearMotion(ControlGroupId groupId, const PositionData& destinationCoords, DOUBLE64 speed, const MotionAccelDecel& attributes = MotionAccelDecel())
: Motion(groupId, destinationCoords, speed, attributes)
interpolationType = MoveInterpolationType::MoveLinear;
Use this struct to create a joint motion target. See Motion.
struct JointMotion : Motion
JointMotion() = default;
JointMotion(ControlGroupId groupId, const PositionData& destinationCoords, DOUBLE64 speed, const MotionAccelDecel& attributes = MotionAccelDecel())
: Motion(groupId, destinationCoords, speed, attributes)
interpolationType = MoveInterpolationType::MoveJoint;
Use this struct to create a Circular motion target. This motion target requires an auxillary set of coordinates. This is the passing point used to calculate the arc. See Motion.
Name | Description |
auxCoords | Passing point of a circular motion. |
CoordinateArray auxCoords{}; // Passing point.
CircularMotion() = default;
CircularMotion(ControlGroupId groupId, const PositionData& destinationCoords, const CoordinateArray& auxCoords, DOUBLE64 speed, const MotionAccelDecel& attributes = MotionAccelDecel())
: Motion(groupId, destinationCoords, speed, attributes),
interpolationType = MoveInterpolationType::MoveCircular;