ControlGroupInterface |
Functions that assist with retrieving data from a specified control group. |
ControlStateInterface |
Functions that assist with retrieving system information from the controller. |
VariablesInterface |
Consists of interfaces used for reading and writing system variables. This includes Byte (B), Integer (I), Double (D), Real (R), String (S), and Position (P). |
FaultInterface |
Used for retrieving active alarms and clearing faults. |
JobInterface |
Used to get job information including the job stack. Also allows the setting of active jobs. |
FilesInterface |
Save, load and delete job files. Also, lists and counts files. |
IoInterface |
Used to read and write IO. |
ControlCommandsInterface |
Set different states on the controller. Used to start an active job. |
MotionManagerInterface |
Streaming motion interface. Sends target points to the controller. Starts and stops motion. |
KinematicsInterface |
Handles conversions of position data. |
Math Functions |
Helper functions for different math operations. |